Kusakabe Family Residence

The Kusakabe family was among the wealthiest in Takayama, growing their fortune through a variety of businesses such as money exchange, and eventually becoming an official merchant for the Shogunate by the end of the Edo period. This townhouse was constructed in 1880 following a major fire in 1876. The architecture features an elevated eaves roof, unique exterior touches like corner-patterned windows, and corner-cut windows on the facade. Inside, a grand, open-air space is created by leaving the areas above the 'oue' (living room) and 'doji' (alleyway) open, and imposing beams made from large red pine trees are used.

Constructed during the Meiji era, when the constraints and customs of the Edo period were replaced by a newfound freedom, this house is a product of abundant Hida timber, the economic power of the 'danna-shu' (wealthy merchants), and the advanced architectural skills of Hida craftsmen. All these factors converged to build this extraordinary residence.

Kusakabe Family Residence (Important Cultural Property)

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