Yoshijima Family Residence

The Yoshijima family was a merchant house that for generations engaged in the trading of raw silk and cocoons, finance, and brewing. This building was constructed in 1907 as an extension to the front side of the property that survived a fire in 1905. The overall height of the house is relatively low, retaining the style of older townhouses without the adoption of a raised floor construction. Furthermore, within the interior that is accessed through a small alleyway, there is an expansive open-air space. In the center of this space, a large central pillar supports the ridge beam, with additional beams and lintels inserted from all four directions. Regularly spaced columns create an orderly space, and all structural materials are finely planed and finished with lacquer. This represents a rare design that achieves both structural and aesthetic excellence.

The patron of this house, Yoshijima Hayato, was a top-tier intellectual of his time, deeply versed in academics and arts. His aesthetic sense, coupled with the skills of Hida carpenter, Nishida Isaburo, culminated in the creation of this residence that represents Japanese residential architecture at its finest.

Yoshijima Family Residence (Important Cultural Property)

【公式】cafe 櫟 -Ichii-

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