The Buddha that Cures Warts

Within the grounds of Daiouji Temple, there is a Buddha known to bestow benefits for diseases and warts.

The stone Buddha, 'Yakushi Nyorai' (commonly known as) 'The Buddha of Warts,' was established in 1700 (the 13th year of Genroku). During an ancient epidemic, local commoners who could not obtain medicine would instead scrape a little from the medicine pot (yakko) held by this Buddha and consume it to avoid sickness. This is why the Buddha's forearm has disappeared over time.

The water that collects in the depression of the stone pedestal in front of the Buddha, known as 'The Footprints of the Bodhisattva,' is applied to warts as part of a prayer ritual. It is said that warts tend to heal well after this, and hence the Buddha is deeply venerated by the local community as 'The Buddha of Warts.'

<How to Pray>

After applying water to the wart, wrap it with a spider's thread found within the temple grounds. For eye infections, soak an adzuki bean in the water, wipe it well, then if it is an upper eyelid infection, pinch it from below and drop it downwards, while for a lower eyelid infection, pinch and drop it upwards.

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