Hida Toshogu

"Hida Toshogu" is said to have been established in 1619, when the third feudal lord of Hida Takayama domain, "Kanamori Shigeyori," relocated Tokugawa Ieyasu, who was enshrined in Takayama Castle, to its current location. Situated a little away from the tourist area, it offers a beautiful sight with fresh greenery in spring and autumn leaves in fall. The solemn atmosphere, the long stone staircase, and the red bridge make it a recommended spot for photography.

As cultural properties, "the main shrine, Chinese-style gate, and transparent fence" are designated as important cultural properties by Gifu Prefecture, "the main temple (currently Asahi Inari Shrine & Sugawara Michizane Shrine)" is a designated tangible cultural property by Takayama City, and "Four Divine Banners" are designated tangible folk cultural properties by Takayama City, enabling you to feel the history.

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