Ayuzaki Castle Ruins

In July 1585, Hideyoshi Toyotomi ordered Nagachika Kanamori, the lord of Echizen Ono Castle, who had defeated the Miki clan in Hida, to attack Hida after he defeated Narimasa Sasa in Ecchu. The Kanamori army was divided into two groups, Nagachika and Yokoshige, and advanced in August of the same year. Kanamori then became the lord of Hida Province.

When Kanamori attacked Matsukura Castle in Miki, Kitayama Park set up its headquarters here. According to "Hidaigo Fudoki" (Yorihiko Tomita), there was a castle lord named Ayusaki Shinbeijo in front of the Kanamori camp. From the location of the castles in the Warring States period, it is a good place to see the castles of Matsukura Nakayama, Fuyuto, Saegusa Sanbutsu-ji, and Nabeyama. In July 1585, Hideyoshi Toyotomi ordered Nagachika Kanamori, the lord of Echizen Ono Castle, who had defeated the Miki clan in Hida, to attack Hida after he defeated Narimasa Sasa in Ecchu. The Kanamori army was divided into two groups, Nagachika and Yokoshige, and advanced in August of the same year. Kanamori then became the lord of Hida Province. The mountaintop plain is divided into two stages, with military graves on the east side.

The area around the ground is high, and this place on the west side, where the Suimon-daira marker is located, is one step lower. In the surrounding area, there are places that are presumed to be strip-shaped plains "Obi Kuruwa" in various locations. The name of the castle is Ayuzaki Castle, and it is also called Aizaki Castle after taking the name of the place "Aizaki." Now, it serves as a place of relaxation in Kitayama Park. When Kanamori attacked Matsukura Castle in Miki, Kitayama Park set up its headquarters here. According to "Hidaigo Fudoki" (Yorihiko Tomita), there was a castle lord named Ayusaki Shinbeijo in front of the Kanamori camp. From the location of the castles in the Warring States period, it is a good place to see the castles of Matsukura Nakayama, Fuyuto, Saegusa Sanbutsu-ji, and Nabeyama. In July 1585, Hideyoshi Toyotomi ordered Nagachika Kanamori, the lord of Echizen Ono Castle, who had defeated the Miki clan in Hida, to attack Hida after he defeated Narimasa Sasa in Ecchu. The Kanamori army was divided into two groups, Nagachika and Yokoshige, and advanced in August of the same year. Kanamori then became the lord of Hida Province. The mountaintop plain is divided into two stages, with military graves on the east side. Ayuzaki Castle Ruins is managed by the Takayama City Board of Education.

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